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60s & 70s Biography

“Do you really want to look back on your life & see how wonderful it could have been had you not been afraid to live it?” - Caroline Myss 

“I travel because it makes me realize how much I haven’t seen, how much I’m not going to see, and how much I still need to see.”   ― Carew Papritz

Table of Contents

quick links to Scott's Bio sections

I. Benchmark Boundary

II. Biography Introduction:

III. Scott's BIOs Decades: 1>>8

  C. 60s,70s, & 80s +          [jlk:~~]
       1. Financially well being
       2. Social Connections & Isolation
       3. Ageism and Discrimination
       4. Life Transitions & Identity
       5. Opportunities
       6. Travel and Exploration

    A. Pre-teens:  [jlk:~~]
    B. Teens          [jlk: AAgeG: 20s]  
    C. 20s              [jlk: AAgeG: 20s]
    D. 30s              [jlk: AAgeG: 30s] 
    E. 40s              [jlk: AAgeG: 40s]
    F.  50s              [jlk: AAgeG: 50s]
    G. 60s>80s + . [jlk: AAgeG: 60s]



1. My Stock Market “" Blunder & Recovery:    
     In 1999's "" stock market bubble I lost 1/2+ million $. ,LITERAL:  arrogant, ignorant & foolish!

My Recovery of those Losses:
    A. Property Development: Upgraded & tripled my rental unit's size & income..

    B. Stock Market investing, … Really? Again?: In 2008 I seriously began to 'learn how to profit in the stock market     relying on Jim Cramer’s, Mad Money, I recouped multiples of my losses Thank you, Jim.

2. Travel: Foreign & Domestic:    
In my early 60s, I shifted quickly from construction AND a short USA/Canada road trip TO  longer N American & foreign trips realizing that someday, for some reason, all my travel would end.
     On my Ecuador & Galapagos Islands return, doctors advised I had the highest level of prostate cancer. Contrary to their assurances, therapy & complications my travell - domestic & foreign ended

Thanks the gods for all my trip videos.






My universal
Wings & Anchors definitions
& a few 'life' questions

Wings: ... are positive basic personal traits that all humans inherently have. Recognizing & capitalizing on those traits can beneficially improve our lives.

For example: Our fear & curiosity together protect & improve humanity's quality of life. 


Anchors:  ... are factors that have positive or negative effects on our lives, if we choose to identify, understand & manage them. IF we understand & manage them prudently we can improve the quality of our lives. If NOT, we can damage that quality.

A clear understanding of this Wings & Anchors concept can bolster the quality of our day-to-day choices & for decades to come. For example:
-- a career choice in your 20s is critical, but not so much in 60s.  
-- foreign travel, impractical for teens, may be 'essential' in 60s.
-- financial literacy almost ensure worry-free 60s retirement.

Life Questions: 
    1. Do I have the right to control & plan my life?
    2. Should I tentatively plan my life?
    3. Can Scott's Biography help me compare & plan my future?
    4. Does Scott's Biography expose life's potential success & risks?

60s thru 80s+ Challenges & Opportunities


1. Half-million $ loss recovery: My 60’s began in “self-worth & financial’ shock after a half million dollar stock market loss, but almost immediately my 60s morphed into an obsession to recover the loss with:
    1) a mind & body numbing property expansion effort [pplk:    ].
    2) a stock market portfolio ultimately well in excess of my los 

The heavy price our lives pay for our warped egos.

2. Domestic North American Travel:  In my early 60s, I made many summer RV van road trips: long & short, as a break from rental property’s development’s construction.Each winter I abandoned Jackson Hole for Texas NP (Big Bend NP) and Southern California to kayak its waters. I loved the freedom of the road & my solitary campsites. In my middle late 60s I domestic traveled between foreign trips and their planning.

Trips had various purposes:
    1. to explore what I had never visited before (Canada's eastern Maritime provinces, US East Coast, mid west
    2. to simply enjoy northwest US & western Canada again including kayaking Washington State’s San Juan Islands.
    3  specific agenda trips: 5 week Mississippi River Basin RV roadtrip to visit to dozens of pre-Native American mound culture sites & Civil War sites.

3. SIT World Travel (solo dependent travel): My late 50s New Zealand trip solidified the greatest continuous adventure of my life: 18 years of SIT (solo independent travel) around the world traveling like a poor youth: hostels, my hostel-cooked ‘gut-bomb’ pasta dinners & street food, walking everywhere or local’s transportation, wandering the back streets & alleyways of Asia, South America & Europe

Always searching out unique, gritty, authentic & remote experiences & sites, and videoing & verbally recording my impressions & reflections as I filmed

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl,
but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” —
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

My 60s & 70s Bio

                B. Biography                                Questions

                                Deeper dive, ... more context.                                                       Questions to ask me or  yourself.

1. My Stock Market “" Blunder & Recovery:   
     After my blundering 1999 1/2 million $ stock market loss“, I LITERALLY looked in the mirror and said, “Scott , you are looking at the most arrogant, ignorant & foolish person you know. “. I laughed.   So true!

My Recovery of Losses:
    A. Property Development: Upgradeed & tripled rental units size & rental income my rental units: 10-12 hrs/day, 6 days /wk for 9 mon over 4 yrsl.

    B. Stock Market investing, … Really? Again?: After 2008-9’s Great Recession I said to myself, (I talk to myself a lot.), “ Scott, you cannot be so stupid that you cannot learn how to profit in stock market.” 
    Relying on Jim Cramer’s, Mad Money, I learned & invested prudently recovering ‘now’ multiples my lossess i 2. Travel: Foreign & Domestic: n my 1999 ‘blunder’.     Thank you Jim.

2. Travel: Foreign & Domestic:

2. Travel: Foreign & Domestic:    
In my early 60s, I quickly transitioned from rental upgrade AND a 1 yearly USA/Canada roadtrip TO
   …increasingly longer N American & foreign trips as I realized that someday for some reason the "other shoe” must fall & all my travel must come to an end.
     After my Ecuador & Galapagos Islands trip, doctors advised I had the highest level prostate cancer. Contrary to their assurances, cancer therapy, & complications including the return of my horrible body rash, weakness & incontinence  my travell - domestic & foreign ended

Thanks the gods for all my trip videos.

I must be brutally frank ........ 

1. Financial Well being: If your financially successful career’s income was prudently/wisely spent AND excess income was wisely invested,  if marriage endured, and you became financially literate generating a profitable investment portfolio, your 60s through 80s+ is likely secure, worry free & unlimited with all the opportunities that offers.

You are free to pursue a new career path (consulting, online internet business), hobbies, domestic & foreign travel (This is a travel website, after all. 😄)       Yours is the ideal retirement.   Congrats!

OTOH, If you wallowed lazily in a financially unrewarding career or you unnecessarily squandered your career’s income & failed to become financially literate & invest profitably, you are probably in dire straits doomed to work until you cannot. 

You may be trapped in bare financial survival & dependent on your children’s support or government largess (Social Security & Medicare),, AND you are increasingly prey to health & other disasters that can wipe out any small cash reserves. 

The odds at this point of you becoming financially secure in an increasingly expensive world are heavily on my body stacked against you.  You have not lived life’s ‘game’ wisely & have lost. 

2. Social Connections & Isolation: Career retirement may sever your social connections risking social isolation & loneliness, in turn, sparking an important scramble to establish a new group of friends, most likely also retired. This is doable.

3. Ageism and Discrimination: Age-related discrimination (Ageism) can affect elderly’s employment, housing, healthcare (?), & social interactions. Obviously the less financial secure, the greater possibility of negative effects.

4. Life Transitions & Identity: Career retirement may 1) sever daily contact with longtime fellow employees, 2) create a sense of uselessness cuz no one at work cares/wants or needs your contribution, & 3) if unprepared with rewarding & captivating hobbies you may lack self-worth’s sense of purpose sending you scrambling for new roles, hobbies, and sources of fulfillment. 

A race must be one with every step not just the final few feet. 

5. Opportunities:     OTOH, these 3+ decades offer unique opportunities:1) to share your acquired wisdom & experience (consultant, night or trade school, onoine Youitube tutorials, 2) your personal growth’s pursuit of old & new hobbies, interests, domestic & foreign travel., 3) charitable volunteering, mentoring, & public service offers a quick & rewarding instant gratification & a self-worth/esteem boost.

6. Travel and Exploration: FINALLY!! This a travel website, of course. 😃) SIT (solo independent trave), big bus touring & cruising travel is available to all at various price & fitness levels. Few pursuits offer the astounding advantages & opportunities for personal growth, pleasures, fulfillment & sense of accomplishment at any age and in any physical condition as foreign travel [plk” travel benefits]

SIT (solo independent travel), big bus touring & cruising travel is available to all at various price & fitness levels. FINALLY!! This a travel website, of course. 😃  [pplk: SIT, Resources] [pplk: Big Bus touring] [pplk: Cruising]

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl,
but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” —Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.


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